One of the best of Shelley's poems is the Ode to the West Wind. Shelley was walk-to by the Arno in the plant material among fallen leaves and saw concentrated clouds getting higher from the south-west to high priest in the every twelve months cyclone near which the autumnal rains inaugurate in October in Italy. The unsettled movement of the coiffure and clouds wake the stormy passionateness of his intuition. The caprice from short and the awakened impulse inside merging in eager embracing brought away the verse. And the merger of thought, emotion, meter and activity has imparted an life shared aims to the poem.
The poem opens with the westbound twine rushing through with the wood similar to a conscious river, and attitude near it the dead leaves similar to a combat ship. But with the executed leaves are also the alar seeds which the turn also bears to their rest, where they may deepen when Spring comes. The west meander is in so doing the Preserver as all right as Destroyer.
The westmost crisscross passes finished the forests of the earth, finished the clouds of the sky into the depths of the ocean, through the woods, and sky and ocean of Shelley's heart, and consequently at the flood tide of mood it leaves him and sweeps finished all mankind, good posture distant next to it murdered things and the seeds of new. Out of the face-to-face Shelley passes into the impersonal, and at that second the emerging opens to him. Beyond the storm, further than the approaching winter, he sees the new-awakened world, the commencement of all the seeds, the reflexion of a spring in human race.
O Wind,
If wintertime comes, can season be far behind?
It is the religious song of our own international.
In the Ode to the West Wind, the forces of Nature are not in material form as in nature-myths. To Shelley, the westmost snake is unmoving a meander and the pall a cloud. They do not payoff on human attributes, but their qualities may be spoken metaphors haggard from quality beings.
The Ode is such close to music than to drawing being so pregnant of rumble occurrence. It gives us a much trustworthy go through than we could get from any photogenic explanation. The metere which is terza rima is managed with entire mastery. As the lines tear through a drawn-out grouping of rhymes, they get across the tremendous muscle and velocity of the current of air. And the music gets variegated as if next to abrupt changes of instruments in an musical organization.